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12.2 CONGEN Command Syntax

     { CONGEN } repeat(global-options) repeat(dof-commands)
     { CGEN   }
     global-options ::=
         GLYMap unit-number
         ALAMap unit-number
         PROMap unit-number
         PROCons unit-number
         STUNIT unit-number
         [GLYEmax energy] default: 100
         [ALAEmax energy] default: 100
         [PROEmax energy] default: 100
         [ERINgpro energy] default: infinity
         [HBCG hbond-spec END]
         [NBCG nbond-spec END]
         [EIGNore EVDW]
         [COOR SAVE END]
         [MAXLeaf int]
         [MAXNode int]
         [DEBUg int]
         [QMIN int]
         [QMAX int]
         [SEED int]
         [EPCOns real] default: infinite
         [EJCOns real] default: infinite
                 { DEPTH                              }
                 { BREADTH                            }
                 { RDEPTH                             }
         [SEARCH { { EVAL  }                          } END]
                 { { DEVAl } [evaluation-option-word] }
                 { { MIX   }                          }
         [TREE [PRTFRQ int] [LIMIT int] [REDUction real]
               [TOPSAVE int] [SDSAVE real] END]
         [STATUS [UNIT unit-number] [SETPRN] END]
         [CHECKPOINT [UNIT unit-number] [NODEfreq int] [TIMEfreq int]
         [RESTart UNIT unit-number END]
         [PBE [NEWB] [SOLV [VACUum real]] [ONLY] END]
                     { BACK backbone-options          }
                     { CHAIn chain-closure-options    }
                     { SIDE sidechain-options         }
     dof-command ::= { RBESt rbest-options            } [dof_options] del
                     { WRITe write-coordinate-options }
                     { STATus status-options          }
                     { EVLuate evaluate-options       }
     dof_options ::= [MAXNode int] [[NO]EINHERIT] [[NO]EIMMEDIATE]
     backbone-options ::=
         STARtres segid resid
         [LASTres segid resid]
         [MAXEvdw real]  default:100
         [GRID real]     default:30
         [CLSA segid resid iupac]
         [CLSD [DELTa] real]
         [MAXDt real]
         [MAP unit]
         [EMAX real]
     chain-closure-options ::=
         STARtres segid resid
         [MAXDt real]  default:5
         [MAXG real]  default:100
         [MAXEvdw]    default:100
     sidechain-options ::=
         repeat( STARtres segid resid [LASTres segid resid])
         repeat( CLUMP clump-spec )
         repeat( [MAXEvdw real] )  default:100
         repeat( [SGRId { real                      } ] )
                 [      { MIN                       } ]
                 [      { AUTO                      } ]
                 [      { SELECT repeat({real}) END } ]
                 [      {               {MIN }      } ]
         repeat( { VAVOID   } )
                 { NOVAVOID }
         repeat( { SYMMetry   } )
                 { NOSYmmetry }
         [SIDEOPT sidechain-option-word]
         [NCOMb number-of-combinations]
         [EVAL evaluation-option-word]
         [MAXSideiter integer]
                        { ALL           }
         clump-spec ::= { word          }
                        { [word]:[word] }
                                   { FIRst       }
                                   { INdependent }
         sidechain-option-word ::= { All         }
                                   { Combination }
                                   { ITerative   }
                                   { FIXed       }
                                    { Energy }
         evaluation-option-word ::= { RMs    }
                                    { Wrms   }
                                    { RAndom }
     rbest-options ::=
         UNIT unit
         [NBESt int    ]  Default: 100
         [MAXEvdw real ]
     write-coordinates-options ::=
         CUNIt unit
         [MAXCOnf integer]  default: 2**30
         [REF COMP]
         [CUT real]
         [MINCUt real]
         [MAXCut real]
     evaluate-options ::=
         [MINI minimization-commands END]
         [RMS                           ]
         [USER                          ]
         [RANDOM                        ]
         [NPRInt integer]  default 0
         [CUT real]
         [MINCut real]
         [MAXCut real]


  1. Global options may be placed anywhere outside of degrees of freedom.
  2. The order for degrees of freedom is the order of the search.
  3. A title MUST follow the command.
  4. CGEN is a synonym for the command, CONGEN.