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15.1 Syntax of Coordinate Manipulation Commands

     COORdinates { INITialize                        } [COMP] [atom-selection]
                 { COPY                              }
                 { SWAP                              }
                 { AVERage  [ FACT real ]            }
                 { TRANslate vector-spec [DIST real] }
                 { ROTAte { vector-spec } PHI real   }
                 {        { byatom-spec }            }
                 { ORIEnt [MASS] [RMS] [SAVE name]   }
                 { RMS    [MASS]                     }
                 { RANDOM random-options             }
                 { DIFF [ FACT real ]                }
                 { XFORm name                        }
                 { XINVert name                      }
                 { SCALE real                        }
                 { CONV real real real real real real}
                 { EQUI                              }
     random-options ::= [UNIForm] [SEED int] [SD real]
                        [NORMal ]
     name ::= word
     COORdinate  { TRAF-translate-unit-cell }   you-better-look-at-the-source
     HBUILD hbond-spec
     vector-spec ::= [XDIR real] [YDIR real] [ZDIR real]
     byatom-spec ::= BYATom segid resid iupac segid resid iupac END

The syntax of the atom-selection is given in Atom Selection. The syntax of the hbond-spec is given in HBOND Syntax.